We feel the tension towards the future
Our history, the name of our products, our vocabulary. Everything recalls Tradition .
Tradition from Latin. traditio -onis, propr. «delivery, transmission», der. to betray «deliver»; in Latin late also «betrayal».
It is therefore inherent in Tradition, both the delivery (to the new generations) of something that has always been done, and a betrayal.
A break with a consolidated situation.
But betray what? Tradition itself. Without a forward momentum, without denying Tradition and then returning, Tradition cannot be perpetuated. Let's call it innovation, call it disruption or research. This is our way of preserving Tradition.

Project born in 2014 thanks to a research call from Emilia Romagna for the areas hit by the 2012 earthquake. The first step ended at the end of 2015 with the creation of a working prototype, exhibited from April to September 2016 at the XXI Triennale di Milano, as part of the “New Craft” exhibition curated by Stefano Micelli, in the area dedicated to the “kitchen of the future” called “Kitchen Tools”, specifically curated by Francesco Bombardi.
The patenting process is currently underway, internships thanks to research contracts with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Life Sciences, as well as an industrial doctorate.
Anyone interested, please contact us.

The cutting board
Conceived, designed and created by Hildreth England, Hestia Design Lab, as part of the first Food Innovation Program in Reggio Emilia.
It is the celebration of the territory, which can thus also be remembered on the table, becoming the bearer of the great products it manages to generate.

Balsamic Track
The system, the first to have implemented it, allows us to trace the entire history of the individual ampoule through the unique serial number present on each bottle of ABTRE DOP. From which barrels the product was taken, when it was "sampled" by the Control Body, how many points it received in the tasting, when it was bottled and how many bottles that batch generated.
Send us an email with the serial number and the color of the sticker and we will tell you the life, death and miracles of the ampoule.

Adopt a Battery
Long-distance adoption, in the world of food and wine, is no longer new... but who has ever offered you to adopt a Traditional Balsamic Vinegar from Reggio Emilia? We invented Adoption in 2007 and from then on, thanks to enthusiasts, literally, from all over the world, we have treated dozens of them.
The project is currently on hold because there is no more space in the barn. There is a waiting list as an expansion is likely. Contact us if you are interested.
Other insights
Acetaia San Giacomo is also a physical place that can be visited: its headquarters are in the center of the green Emilian plain.
Come visit! We will offer you a glass of Lambrusco and you will be able to personally verify the passion we put into our work.

Guided tours


About us

The mission